Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happiness and Success

To be happy in life and successful in business you need two things in life:

1) empty mind, to have vision (freedom to choose), and

2) open heart, to have self-confidence (the power to decide).

Thoughts give us a full mind (confusion, ignorance). A full mind causes blindness (limits - we are in a box), we lack vision, so we dont really have "freedom to choose".

Emotions make our heart close. A closed heart causes weakness, we lack self-esteem, and so we dont have power to decide.

Creativity and Emptiness

The best creative mind is empty - anything can happen: there are no limits, everything is possible.
A mind full of ideas/concepts is limited by those same ideas/concepts - it is trapped in a box.

Think "outside-the-box":  the best way to think (create) is not to think.
Emptiness is full of potential. Emptiness is freedom.
Absolute freedom to create.