Saturday, December 29, 2012


Developing the mindset for lean business in the XXI century / 28-29 January 2013, Portugal
Soft skills are key in entrepreneurship

Find the key in contemplative sciences

Lean by Doing
Mindfulness practices for daily life
ary 2013          Gaia- Escola Superior de Tecnologias do Porto – IPP
INTRODUCTION- Merging Business and Inner wisdom
ØLean businesses are customer centric and follow an iterative process searching for the right business model ideally supported by (service) design thinking.
ØThis approach implies entrepreneurs need to develop soft skills regarding
empathy and creativity.
ØThe basis for both is the ability to observe without judgement.
ØThis ability is developed with methods from the contemplative sciences, all deriving from mindfulness.
Pre-registration deadline: 10th January 2013 -