Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Health, Happiness and Compassion - The essence of a happy mind in a blissful body

How to balance your elements and produce and spread “happiness” hormones?

Our body and mind need hormones, in a balanced way, to be healthy.
We have three main outer paths to produce and balance our hormones:
-> quality food,
-> quality breathing,
-> quality sleeping.
But there is also an inner process that helps us to go beyond a “healthy mind in a healthy body”: develop a “happy mind in a blissful body”.
With a daily practice for the body, breath, mind (physical and breathing exercises, meditation with visualization) we can:
-> delay the aging process and
-> develop the ability to produce, spread and fix “happiness” hormones in our body.

This is especially important after 45 years when our body and mind slowly go “in the direction of death”.
To maximize the chances for success of our daily practice we have to develop self-discipline and  motivation:
-> Outer motivation: health, beauty, happiness
-> Inner motivation: compassion (deep wish that all beings are liberated from suffering).
Compassion is the ultimate super-power.
 These two motivations create a virtuous circle:
-  the more compassion I feel, the happier I am.
- the more happiness I feel, the healthier I am.
- The healthier I am, the longer I live.
The longer I live,
the bigger the chances I have to become free:
 liberated from suffering, enlightened.
 Time is my ultimate treasure.
Life is precious – don’t waste it.
To be healthy, happy, compassionate
To feel Blissful

Sunday, May 19, 2013

PITCH TIPS: Unlocking Your Customer's Brain

The two basic drivers of all behaviour and decisions are:
·         to seek pleasure (“I like”, which generates attachment), and
·         to avoid pain (“I don’t like”, which generates anger).

According to Kevin Hogan, author, The Science of Influence, "most people react to the fear of loss and the threat of pain in a much more profound way than they do for gain."

 The old brain "decides" on the basis of the gain vs. pain tradeoff.

According to neuroscientists, there are 3 main parts to the brain, each functioning as a brain unto itself. These "three brains" - nestled inside one another -- are as follows:

 ·          The "Human" ("New," or outer-most) Brain: Most evolved part of the brain known as the cortex. Responsible for logic, learning, language, conscious thoughts and our personalities.

·          The "Mammalian" (Middle) Brain: Also known as the limbic system. Deals with our emotions, moods, memory and hormones.

·          The "Reptilian" (Old) Brain: Also known as the R Complex controls our basic survival functions, such as hunger, breathing, flight-or-fight reactions and staying out of harm's way.

While neuromarketing is still a young field with many unanswered questions, one finding is clear. The reptilian, or "old," brain drives your customers' buying decisions.

So when preparing any pitch (sales, investment, etc), make sure you follow this strategy:
·          Diagnose the PAIN
·          Differentiate your CLAIMS
·          Demonstrate the GAIN
·          Deliver to the DECISION-MAKER (the Reptilian Brain)

finalists of PNIC 2012 - Creative Industries
Porto, Portugal

The way to "update our operating system" is to develop our emotional intelligence with practices from the Contemplative Sciences, such as Mindfulness (Tog Chöd) and Fast2Yoga (happy mind in a blissful body).

Dan Siegel - The brain and the developing mind (lecture) - video 1
Dan Siegel - The hand model of the 3 brains - video 2

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Emotional Intelligence - how to use and transform your emotions

Our emotions are neither good nor bad. They are a source of energy and it is up to us, it is our responsability, which direction we will give them.

This is what emotional intelligence is all about. Learning how to use our emotions and put them into good use.

We can learn a lot from the contemplative sciences, especially from the Tantrayana School of Thought. Their methods and wisdom teaches us how to transform our negative emotions into their pure quality.

It is like alchemy: using the power of the 5 elements (space, earth, wind, fire, water),
we transform metal into gold,
we transform charcoal into diamant
we transform our Ego into a pure being.

We are blinded by ignorance on our true nature, and the true nature of reality, phenomena.
Our wrong view gives our emotions a negative direction; a right view gives our emotions a positive direction. The ax that cuts the root of our ignorance is understanding emptiness and compassion.

By practing daily the Vajra2Yoga ( 5 elements tantra yoga exercise), we do not only acquire a healthier body, but also a healthier emotional mind (we develop our emotional intelligence). Gradually our emotions and view on life change:
- close-mindedness is transformed into equanimity (space element) - daily antidote: tolerance
- pride is transformed into serenity (earth element) - daily antidote: devotion
- jealousy is transformed into love (wind element) - daily antidote: generosity
- anger is transformed into kindness (fire element) - daily antidote: patience
- self-centred is transformed into selflessness (water element) - daily antidote: altruism

To start this changing process, first you need to meditate analitically on the four transformation thoughts:
- life is precious
- life is suffering
- life is impermanente, always changing
- law of karma (cause and effect, "what you sow, you shall reap").

Then, you medidate on the Four Noble Truths that will teach you that life is suffering but there is a way out of this suffering.
You will realize that "Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional".
Pain is what the world does to you;
Suffering is what you do to yourself.
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